Friday, March 11, 2011

My Latest Releases on Sale Now

As a new author my first book was Malibu Stacy about a woman living in Malibu, California during the  2004 Phuket Thailand tsunami.  She lives in Malibu, but her dream boss is in Phuket.  She rescues a dog and tries to make ends meet by cutting hair and cleaning houses.  Then the tsunami hits, and she wonders if she will ever see her boss again.  Her libido is quite insatiable and there's an abundance of sexual encounters, described in detail.


  1. Hi TA,
    How`s everything.
    I love your books.

  2. Latest releases: Lady Cougar and Text Me!

  3. Dear T.A.,

    Hi, I'm Deb and I want your masterpieces on my website. Please say YES! Since I was a teenager I've wanted to be an author of romance books and own a bookstore. Now I'm an author and working on the bookstore. But it can't happen without YOU. I am looking for New and Self Published Authors. We are looking for Authors who write: Romance, Erotica, Sci Fi, Suspense, Horror, and Paranormal; just because it’s not listed doesn’t mean I won’t be interested.

    With the help of friends I've started an eBook site but as I said it needs your help. I would very much like to offer your works on the site I'm developing. I think it would be a good fit for both of us.

    I'm not trying to make a lot of money. I'm just trying to realize my dream. I hope you can help make that happen.

    I'd like you to take a look and I hope I can count you in. Please get back to me if you have any questions. You can email me or call. I would love to talk to you.

    Your friend in pen,

    Deb Cole
